About this lesson
Many interactive options are available within a meeting. To add participants to a meeting in session, select “Invite”, and invite participants using their name, email, or phone number. Click “invite” and participants will get an invitation to join the meeting.
If co-browsing is enabled within your organization, select “co-browse”, enter in the webpage URL, select “Start”. Meeting participants will be able to browse the screen together.
Participants can share their screen by selecting “Share Screen”. Here, there’s an option to share the entire screen, an open window, or a singular tab. Select “Share”, and the participants in the meeting will view the screen simultaneously. To share a file in the meeting, select “Share File”. From here, you can select a file from your desktop, or a previously uploaded file from conversations or the Content Library. You can also whiteboard in real-time. Under the “share file” menu, select “whiteboard” to open a board. Use the whiteboard in real time with other meeting attendees.
The participants icon will show a list of meeting attendees, as well as invited participants not attending. The host will be labeled, with the option to transfer the hosting privileges to another participant from this menu. The host can also designate a presenter from the list of participants. Presenters can use the various interactive options mentioned before. The host can mute participants by selecting the microphone icon next to a participant’s name, or selecting “mute all” from the top of the list. If someone is listed as an invitee, but is not yet in attendance, the host or any participant has the option to “resend invite” to notify them about the meeting.
If not already pre-configured to record, the meeting can be recorded at any time by the host. Click “start recording” to begin and “pause” to end or pause the recording at any time. Start your video during the meeting by selecting the “start video” icon to turn on your video camera. To choose a virtual background for your video, select “Virtual Backgrounds,” from the “Start Video” dropdown menu. A list of virtual background options will appear. To upload a virtual background of your choice, choose the “additional” icon, and browse files to drag and drop an image to upload. Get a preview of your camera view or choose another camera from the start video dropdown menu.
Mute and unmute yourself with the microphone icon. You can access other audio options from this dropdown menu. Select “Mute” to mute and unmute yourself. Select “Call using Phone” to access meeting dial-in details. Select “Leave Audio” to leave the audio of the meeting. Under Audio Options, you can choose the desired speaker for the meeting, the desired microphone, with the ability to test the speakers and the microphones. Under “Advanced Settings”, select “High fidelity music mode”, “Echo Cancellation” , and “Stereo Audio” as necessary.
To leave a meeting, select “End”. If the host leaves the meeting, the meeting will end for all participants. Hosts can transfer hosting rights to another participant before leaving. If there is no host in the meeting, the meeting will continue until the end of the scheduled meeting time or when the last participant leaves, whichever is later.