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A action object saved as a template, that is added to the Content Library, can be used within any workspace.

To add a template action object to the Content Library, Click “Create”, and select the action item you’d like to make a template for.

To add a template object to a folder within the Content Library, open the folder, and click “create” and select the action item you’d like to make a template for.

For a new e-Sign Template, upload the file you’d like signed by dragging  and dropping, or by selecting the file you’d like to upload from your desktop, library, or Moxo workspace.

Title your file and add a description and due date if necessary. If a due date is added, the assigned user will receive a notification on the day the item is due.

Click “Next” on the top right corner of the screen.

Add roles by typing in the role name, such as Client, Internal User, Purchaser, or Buyer. The roles will be color coded, and you can add additional roles by clicking “Add Role”.

If needed, toggle “Signing Order”, which designates that each role is only able to sign when the previous role has completed signing. If a signing order is selected, you can adjust the role order as needed by using the drag icon to the right of each role name.

Once roles are added and signing order is in place as needed, click “Next”.

From the E-Sign Template builder, select signers for each signature object, and drag and drop Signature, Initials, Date, Text or Checkbox objects from the left toolbar to populate the file with required signature fields.

You can adjust the signature field object size.

To delete a field object, click on the red x.

Once all required fields have been added to the document, click “Next”.

Review the E-sign template, and make edits to the name and description as needed. Under location, choose either the Content Library or a folder inside the content library to place the template.

When the template is ready, click “Create” on the top right corner of the screen, and the template will be added to the Content Library.

To add an Approval, Acknowledgement or a To-Do, click “Create”, and select the action you’d like.

Title your template action, and add an attachment from the desktop, workspace or content library if needed. You may also add a weblink which will send the assigned user to a URL outside Moxo. Add a description and due date to the template if needed.

Click “Next”, and review your template. Adjust where you’d like to place your template under Location, by selecting “Content Library” or a folder within the Library.

Once you have reviewed your template, click “Create”, and the template will be added to the content Library.

To add a Form to the Content Library, click “Create”, and select “Form. For more information on building a Form template, please visit the Forms course.

Once you’ve built a form template, you’ll come to a review page. Place the Form template in the Content Library or place the Form template in a folder within the Content Library by using the Locations dropdown. Then, click create, and the Form Template will be added to the Content Library.

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