Creating a Flow
In this video, you'll learn how to create a Flow template, build your Flow, and start your Flow with clients.
Let's start with creating a Flow template.
In the sidebar, click Flows. Then, click New Template. Name your Flow. Add a cover image. You can also add a description for the Flow.
Set your access settings. You can choose who has visibility to your Flow here. Add roles to your template. Click Continue.
Now you can build your Flow template. You can add steps to the Flow in the Add tab, Modify, or add additional roles in the Roles tab and edit the description of the Flow in the Details tab. Click Add Welcome Message to customize the welcome message for your Flow.
Drag Actions into the Builder. Within an action you can set the title, description, due date, attach a document, and designate roles. To add the action, click Add Step. To duplicate a step, click Duplicate.You can then modify a step by clicking Edit.
If you'd like your Flow to move in order, you can keep the Sequential toggle on. If you'd like the steps to be completed in any order, you can toggle Sequential off.
When you are ready to use your flow, select the flow you’d like to use in the Flow Library, click Use.
Assign people to your Flow roles by selecting Clients from the dropdown menu. To invite a new client to the flow, click Add New Client. Fill out the required fields and click Add Client.
Personalize your existing welcome message or add a message. Add viewers to your Flow conversation and click Start. You've just created your first Moxo Flow.