Predefined Form Elements
Predefined elements can be used to gather information that may already populated in your user’s accounts.
Let’s start with Name. The label is automatically name with the option to re-label as needed. Under Permissions, toggle required field to mark the field as required for submission. Move the field up or down in the form as needed.
Toggle Auto Fill and the respondent’s name will auto populate in the form from the respondent’s user information. Optional Sub Fields are available for Middle Name, Prefix, and Suffix.
The Email address field collects the respondent’s email address. You can add text or change the label if needed. The placeholder can help if there is a specific email structure or address commonly used within your organization. Under Field Options, Toggle Auto Fill to auto populate the email address associated with the respondent’s account, if available.
Phone Number allows you to collect the respondent’s phone number.
Adjust the pre-filled Field Label and Place Holder if needed. Under Field Options, denote the default Country/Region from the drop down menu. You can also use the toggle to lock the default country/region in place so it cannot be adjusted by the responder. Toggle Auto Fill to automatically populate the phone number of the responder if available.
To use the address field, open field options. You’ll have optional subfields available to collect information. Toggle to request Address Line 2, City, State/Province, Zip Code, or Country/Region. Select a default Country or Region from the drop down menu. If necessary, use the toggle to lock the default country/region in place so it cannot be adjusted by the responder.
Next, let’s the date element into the template. Under Field Options, toggle Current Date to mark the default date that the form was completed.
Select the desired date format from the drop down menu. Under optional Sub-Fields, toggle Time to request time information. Toggle Current Time to default the time to when the form was completed. Select either the AM/PM or 24 hour time format.
Currency allows you to seek information on Currency. Under Field options, enter the default value if necessary, which will display as pre-populated text in the field when respondents access the form. Respondents can either change this text or leave it based on their preferences.
Choose the currency from the drop down menu. The value limit limits the numerical options range. Enter minimum and maximum amounts.
Choose your decimal precision, if you want there to be a pre-populated decimal in the respondent’s answer and to place your decimal point. Enter the value limit with minimum or maximum numbers if needed.