External user management
To manage external relationships, select clients. To invite clients to the platform, select invite on the top right of the window. Either copy and share a link directly with the client you’d like to invite, or send an invitation via email by filling out the name and email address of the client.
You have the option to assign the client to an internal user’s team. This user acts as a client’s team member that is assigned to serve or support the client. Every client must be assigned to at least one team member, and they can reach out to each of their team members directly.
Search for an internal user to assign to the client, and select invite, and the client will be invited.
To invite a group of clients, click import. Here, click download a sample CSV template to use as a format for importing data. From the example template, fill out the form as the information as organized in the sample, with First Name, Last Name, Email, and Phone Number. The role name for client invites will always be client, and under team, include the internal user assigned to the client’s email address. The instructions on the sample template will help guide you through the data entry process. Once all the information has been entered, save the template as a new document with a name of your choice.
Then, from the Import Clients window, select upload, choose the CSV file you just created. The file will appear when it has been uploaded. You’ll have the option to update the name and title of users that already exist if they have been changed in your file.
Click Import and invitations will go out to clients listed in the uploaded CSV template. Select Clients from the left toolbar. Select the client you wish to manage from the client list. Select View Team to view the client’s assigned team members. The team lead is marked with a badge. From each team members’ drop down menu, you have the option to either replace and remove, following the same course as with internal users, or make team lead. Note, the team lead cannot be removed until another user is reassigned in their place.