Internal user management
To invite internal users to join, select invite. You can either copy the invite link to share, or send an invitation via email by filling out the name and email address of the individual you would like to invite. Open advanced options to give the internal user admin permissions, or to assign them clients. You can always assign clients to an internal user later too. Click invite.
Select transfer work to transfer an internal user's work. You can then select all or flow conversations, group conversations, flow templates, and content library folders. Click continue. From here, choose the specific assignments you would like to transfer. Type in the internal user to whom you would like to transfer the ownership rights, and click transfer.
To reassign clients, click the option in the ellipse menu. Select the clients you’d like to reassign, and then choose the users you’d like to transfer them to. Select transfer, and the client will be reassigned.
To edit an internal user’s profile, select Edit Profile. Here, update or remove a user’s profile picture. Update their name, job title, and phone number. And, toggle to either give them administrator access or remove administrator access. Once edits are made, select Save Changes.
To reset a user’s password, select reset password from the ellipses menu. A pop up will alert you that the user will receive a reset link with instructions to create a new password. Click Reset and the link will be sent to the user.
To deactivate a user, select Deactivate user from the ellipse menu. A popup will alert you that once the user is deactivated, they will no longer be able to access the platform. Click Deactivate. To Delete a user, select Delete user from the ellipse menu. In order to permanently delete a user, you much first confirm the following:
You cannot recover this user after deactivation, All profile information will be deleted, Meetings they’ve scheduled will be canceled, Everything else will not be deleted.
Once you check to confirm these messages, select delete user and the user will be deleted from the platform.